
...lone stranger! Shhh...! Do be quiet, now, for they may hear you, especially that winged creature the Dolly Master fondly refers to as his Muse; the one he calls Raven by name. We really wouldn't want that, now, would we? One swipe from those razor sharp talons of hers, and she'll snatch your heart clean out of your chest, she will, long before you can even think about taking another gasp of breath. I dread to mention what nasty little horrors the Master might have in store for you if he catches you lurking about. You most surely want to avoid those two... that is if you can, my friend.

It's okay! Please! Do come closer! I promise not to bite! See? No fangs, or pointy sharp teeth! No need to be alarmed, nor frightened. I am merely a severed head on a block, and nothing more, plain and simple as that. What? You never heard of a head on a block, before? Quite sad, really. I once used to be like you, you know! But that was so very long ago, I have simply forgotten the exact number of years it has been since the day I first stumbled upon this place. I was much younger then, of course. And... I had a body!

That was all before the Master's 'familiar' had her way with me, however. It was her 'death kiss' that did it, to be sure. She put those icy cold lips upon my mouth and sucked out all my innards, leaving only my brain, and in fact, my entire head intact. My body had become nothing more than a hollow and lifeless shell, so she cut it off with one swipe of a talon and discarded it, where it immediately slumped to the ground and turned to dust, to drift away on a gentle blowing breeze.

That conniving bitch of a 'harpy' then fastens my head to a block of wood and sets it forth upon this very platter, always threaterning me that I would one day be the main course for her and the Dolly Master to feast upon, at some not so distant future meal of theirs. I only hope the side dishes that they choose to serve will be adequitely suitable to ones palate.


Well, enough on that. Now that you have arrived, my kind friend, I wish to ask you for a dreadfully large favor. But first, can you keep a secret? Good! I knew that you could! You have a sincere and honest face, you do! Anyhow, I seem to be facing a most difficult and horrible dilemna, and have only recently discovered that it to be true and worthy of fact. I fear that I am trapped inside the lunatic mind of a madman, and I humbley beg of you for your assistance, for you are now trapped inside here with me, and all the rest. Maybe, we could even help each other out, you and me... a sort of trade, so to speak? What is it you ask? Well, I will tell you!

You see the key about my neck? It opens the doorway into the painting behind me! Yes! I am serious! You must remember, my friend, you are no longer travelling in the realms of known reality. You are trapped in this dream world mind, just as I am. Take the key! Enter the door, but promise me one thing! If you manage to find a way to thwart the evil Dolly Master, and his wretched feline birdie beast, please bring their heads back here, to me. I would very much like to place them upon stakes, so that I may gaze upon them and laugh in their faces for the remainder of this tormented existence that I am forced to lead. Yes? Very well, then! We have a deal then, my friend!

Now go! And do be careful, as things are not always what they may appear to be, for there is no safe haven in which to seek sanctuary, and very few will offer safe passage to a lost and wandering stranger, such as yourself, without expecting something worthwhile in return, that is! And beware of the Dolly Master, for he takes on many manifestations, like that of the wicked and souless Raggedy Man, who taints your pleasant dreams with unspeakable, blood curdling nightmares. The Master could be anyone, or perhaps everyone; noone is ever quite sure, really! He could even be me, you see! Nah! Then that would mean, I weren't really me!

Fare thee well my lone friend. You'll be needing all the luck scattered among the four winds, that you can possibly muster to survive and defeat those two. I bid you a safe journey and en even safer return from your adventures, and I do so hope that you are not of the squeemish type. And do keep your eyes out for a tattered and broken doll. She will help you on your way, asking nothing in return, the silly girl. I do hope we meet again real soon, dear stranger. Until then, do proceed with great care.



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Email: dollymasterkingsouth@yahoo.com