> > > NAVIGATION < < <
I had hardly slept a wink all night, when at nearly five o'clock in the morning, I once again opened my eyes. Another noise in the darkness of the night had me shooting straight out of bed and over to the window, only to discover that another branch had fallen, or quite possibly the barn door had blown shut again, as a result of the harsh blustery winter wind.
A fresh blanket of white covered the ground, hiding the tracks we had made over the last few days in the previous snowfall. Under the light of the full moon everything took on an eerie cast, especially since the vast whiteness changed the appearance of all that I had grown familiar with over the last thirteen years of my young life.
With disappointment in my heart, I returned to bed, just as I had all previous times, with a promise to myself that I would not jump out again; that I would lay back down and fall asleep. Morning would come eventually, and if I could just fall asleep for just a little while, then when I next opened my eyes, it would be time to go downstairs with the others.
Yeah, right! Like that was going to happen. It was Christmas Eve, and all through the house, not a creature was... well, you get the idea. I was filled with the excitement and anticipation that any child has the night before Christmas. And, I wanted to catch a glimpse of Santa, of course, even though my older brothers had told me that he did not exist. Liars!
I know! I know! You wonder why a thirteen year old girl such as myself still believes in Santa Claus, right? Well, I believe in him because I actually saw him the year before. But he did not fly through the air, nor did he have a team of magical reindeer to quide his sleigh from rooftop to rooftop; none of that nonsense. No siree! But Santa did come by sled, however...
The complete story will be available in the following anthology, and so I have only left the opening paragraphs for you to whet your appetite on. This is the author list for the Holiday zombie anthology (tentatively) titled, 'Wish You Were Undead', for Wild Wolf publishing (visit their site by clicking the banner below). At around 500 pages filled with thirty-six delectably juicy morsels of undead goodness, and written by today's up-and-coming authors of zombie horror (with a few legends thrown in to spice up this delicious gumbo of horror stew), this hefty tome has a possible June 2011 release (maybe even as early as April). I will post more information as it is made available.