"The time is now. The place is a small town in the middle of somewhere. Anywhere. A non-descript tiny pinpoint on a map, like so many others just like it, spread out across the landscape upon a giant sphere of dirt. A mere speck of windblown sand amidst the vastness of space. Time. A rural outpost of civilized denizens. A commununity of decent average folk, all sharing similiar needs and like-minded beliefs. All striving for a little slice of peace, happinesss, and tranquility, to enrich their simple domesticated lives. On the ever-elusive quest to ultimite survival. Longevity of the species. Immortality. Living in fear of death and the unknown, much the same as you and I. The journey that lay before you could very well be your own. And in a moment, it will be, as we deposit you on the surface of the planet. Leave you in the capable hands of the town's only two peace officers. An invisible silent passenger, if you will, with a vouyeristic view from the backseat. An astounding discovery is about to be made. A profound mystery unravelled. You are about to discover exactly what that something in the road, might just mean, as we send you on your way. To another dimension. A realm of unbridled imagination. Infinite possibility. A little place we like to call, The Twilight--"
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